120 research outputs found

    Publicity for Lawyers

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    Antalet förstainsatsaktörer i Sverige idag utanför de traditionella (rÀddningstjÀnst, polis och ambulans) Àr fÄ, och lite forskning har förts pÄ omrÄdet. Det finns dock exempel dÀr rÀddningstjÀnsten har anlitat vÀktarbolag eller utrustat hemtjÀnstpersonal med pulverslÀckare. Flertalet av dessa samarbeten Àr relativt nystartade och fÄ utvÀrderingar har gjorts som visar de faktiska effekterna av dem. Syftet med denna rapport Àr att beskriva och kartlÀgga samhÀllekonomiska nyttor och kostnader av icke-traditionella förstainsatsaktörer som samarbetar med rÀddningstjÀnsten. Studien har genomförts genom fallstudier av tvÄ samarbeten; Söderköping rÀddningstjÀnst som har ett avtal med LA Jour & SÀkerhet AB samt Södertörns brandförsvarsförbund (SBBF) som samarbetar med vÀktarbolag i SödertÀlje och Botkyrka. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med representanter frÄn vÀktarbolag, rÀddningstjÀnst och kommun. Den metod som anvÀnds vid analysen Àr nationalekonomisk kostnadsnyttoanalys. De nyttor som har identifierats Àr att vÀktarna sparar tid, bidrar med lÀgesrapporter, stöttar insatserna genom att vara behjÀlpliga pÄ plats, upptÀcker incidenter eller brÀnder vid rondering. De har god lokalkÀnnedom och kan hjÀlpa till att lÄsa upp brandbommar och dörrar, vilket indirekt sparar tid Ät rÀddningstjÀnsten. Samarbetet bidrar ocksÄ till att de arbetar preventivt; de pratar med ungdomar och andra grupper i samhÀllet och skapar relationer som pÄ sikt har möjlighet att gagna sÀkerheten och tryggheten i kommunen. Kostnaderna för att utbilda och utrusta vÀktarna Àr idag lÄga. DÀremot har det framkommit att vÀktarna gÀrna skulle vilja ha mer utbildning sÄ att de kan rycka ut vid fler typer av larm. Det har Àven framkommit att bÀttre kommunikationskanaler skulle kunna bidra till ökade möjligheter att Äka pÄ fler larm och att vara bÀttre förberedda pÄ vad de kan bidra med vid olika typer av larm. Den kvantitativa analysen utförs för samarbetet i Söderköping och visar att detta har en hög utdelning. Varje investerad krona i Söderköping har gett en avkastning pÄ Ätta kronor, nÀr vÀrdet av den minskade insatstid som vÀktarna bidrar med berÀknas. Nyttan Àr dock undervÀrderad dÄ mÄnga nyttor (beskrivna ovan) inte kan vÀrdesÀttas monetÀrt. Det som har begrÀnsat den kvantitativa analysen Àr det faktum att vÀktarnas rapportering i Botkyrka och SödertÀlje inte sÀrskiljer rÀddningstjÀnstsuppdrag frÄn övriga uppdrag. Detta hade möjliggjort en kvantitativ analys Àven för samarbetet med Södertörn, vilket hade kunnat bidra till att resultaten blivit applicerbara pÄ fler kommuner. Emellertid finns inget som indikerar att andra kommuner inte kommer att erfara samma effekter eller kostnader som de undersökta samarbetena har lett till. DÀremot bör kommuner analysera behov och förutsÀttningar i sin kommun för samarbeten av det hÀr slaget innan de inför dem med tanke pÄ att det uppstÄr kostnader, om Àn lÄga

    Neuroradiological aspects of multiple sclerosis : from early signs to late disease stages

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system and a leading cause of neurological disability in young adults. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has improved the diagnostic process in MS, but has also led to incidental MS-like findings. The growing therapeutic arsenal and the variable clinical expression of MS makes MRI important for evaluating treatment response and advanced volumetric measurements are common endpoints in MS treatment trials. More feasible MRI measurements are, however, needed in order to implement quantitative MRI biomarkers in clinical practice, where they may aid in individualizing treatment and care for MS patients. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to describe neuroradiological aspects of MS, from its earliest signs to late stages, by describing the frequency and significance of incidental MRI findings suggestive of MS, and by studying corpus callosum atrophy as a biomarker for cognitive and physical disability in MS over a wide range of disease duration. Study I, a systematic review, showed that incidental brain MRI findings suggestive of MS without typical MS symptoms, and with no better explanation of the findings, are of clinical importance. This entity is preferably called radiologically isolated syndrome (RIS) and persons with RIS often have subclinical cognitive impairment and radiological measurements similar to those seen in MS. RIS progresses radiologically in a majority of cases and about one third of the patients are diagnosed with MS over a mean follow-up time of five years. Study II, a retrospective cohort study, showed that RIS is an uncommon finding. In a yearly sample of the brain MRI examinations of 2105 patients at Karolinska University Hospital, only one case of RIS was found (0.05%). The patient later developed clinically active MS. Study III compared the performance and feasibility of the two leading radiological methods for assessing corpus callosum atrophy, corpus callosum area (CCA) and corpus callosum index in a cross-sectional evaluation of the participants in Study IV. Both measurements could be obtained in less than a minute with excellent repeatability. CCA had the strongest correlations with cognitive and physical disability, and was most accurate in differentiating patients from controls and relapse-remitting MS from progressive forms of MS. Study IV was a 17-year longitudinal cohort study of 37 MS patients that were evaluated clinically, neuropsychologically and radiologically, and a matched healthy control group. The disease durations spanned over five decades, reflecting a panorama of early to late stages of the disease. The corpus callosal atrophy rate decreased with increasing disease duration. The normalized corpus callosum area was correlated with cognitive (r = 0.79, p < 0.001) and physical (r = -0.55, p < 0.001) disability, outperforming commonly used volumetric methods. Conclusions: RIS is a rare but clinically important condition that in many cases constitutes preclinical MS. CCA is a feasible measurement of corpus callosum atrophy for MS research and clinical practice, and outperforms classical volumetric measurements as a biomarker for cognitive and physical disability in MS

    Forecasting the Demand for Emergency Medical Services

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    Accurate forecast of the demand for emergency medical services (EMS) can help in providing quick and efficient medical treatment and transportation of out-of-hospital patients. The aim of this research was to develop a forecasting model and investigate which factors are relevant to include in such model. The primary data used in this study was information about ambulance calls in three Swedish counties during the years 2013 and 2014. This information was processed, assigned to spatial grid zones and complemented with population and zone characteristics. A Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression approach was then used to select significant factors and develop the forecasting model. The model was compared to the forecasting model that is currently incorporated in the EMS information system used by the ambulance dispatchers. The results show that the proposed model performs better than the existing one

    User Participation in Information System Development for Emerging Public Sector Initiatives

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    This study is a-posteriori analysis of information systems (IS) development in a cross-sector collaboration case to identify and address user participation challenges in emerging public sector initiatives. The major challenges in the studied case was to develop IS for future cross-sector collaboration in a setting that does not yet exist, i.e. where the tasks, stakeholders and end-users are undefined. To address identified challenges, we suggest a combination of activities based on multiple design groups, scenario-based Future Workshops, focus groups, context-specific frameworks, and practical exercises with after-action-review. We argue that while similar challenges have been discussed in relation to large-scale projects and, sometimes, cross-sector collaboration, IS development for emerging public sector initiatives pose specific issues that need to be addressed

    Automatic Design of Aircraft Arrival Routes with Limited Turning Angle

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    We present an application of Integer Programming to the design of arrival routes for aircraft in a Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA). We generate operationally feasible merge trees of curvature-constrained routes, using two optimization criteria: (1) total length of the tree, and (2) distance flown along the tree paths. The output routes guarantee that the overall traffic pattern in the TMA can be monitored by air traffic controllers; in particular, we keep merge points for arriving aircraft well separated, and we exclude conflicts between arriving and departing aircraft. We demonstrate the feasibility of our method by experimenting with arrival routes for a runway at Arlanda airport in the Stockholm TMA. Our approach can easily be extended in several ways, e.g., to ensure that the routes avoid no-fly zones

    Optimal Dispatch of Volunteers to Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients

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    Initiatives with mobile phone dispatched volunteers to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) cases, can be found today in some countries, e.g. Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy. When an OHCA case is reported, an alarm is sent to the registered volunteers’ phones. However, the allocation of which volunteers to send to the automatic external defibrillator (AED) and who to send directly to the patient, is today based on simple rules of thumb. In this paper, we propose a model to optimally select how many and which volunteers to send directly to the patient, and who should pick up and deliver an AED. The results show that the model can help increase the survivability of the patients, compared to simple decision rules

    Legislative Intent: The Use of Positive Political Theory in Statutory Interpretation

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    I april 2010 gav regeringen i uppdrag till Myndigheten för samhĂ€llsskydd och beredskap (MSB) att i ett projekt öka sĂ€kerheten pĂ„ landsbygden genom nya former för rĂ€ddning och respons. Inom ramen för ovanstĂ„ende uppdrag, vilket benĂ€mns ”SamhĂ€llsviktig samverkan i landsbygd” har CARER – Centrum för respons- och rĂ€ddningssystem – vid Linköpings universitet fĂ„tt i uppdrag av MSB att inventera vilka behov och resurser för sĂ€kerhet och trygghet som existerar pĂ„ lands- och glesbygd, samt undersöka vilka andra projekt och initiativ som föregĂ„tt detta, nationellt och internationellt. CARERs projekt, som görs inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget, benĂ€mns Trygghetshöjande Ă„tgĂ€rder för landsbygden (TÅLA). TÅLA har genomförts som fyra sammanhĂ€ngande delstudier dĂ€r de tvĂ„ första delstudierna anvĂ€nder kvalitativ metodik, frĂ€mst intervjuer, och syftar till att skapa en förstĂ„else för den upplevda tryggheten pĂ„ lands- och glesbygden, samt utröna vad den bestĂ„r i och hur den kan stĂ€rkas. Delstudie 3 syftar till att kvantitativt uttrycka behov och resurser för sĂ€kerhet och trygghet pĂ„ landsoch glesbygd genom ett urval av indikatorer. Delstudie 4 syftar till att ge en överblick över tidigare forskning och utveckling pĂ„ omrĂ„det. NĂ„gra generella slutsatser som kan dras frĂ„n TÅLA-projektets olika delstudier Ă€r att det finns en god medvetenhet hos boende i land- och glesbygd för att det kan ta tid innan hjĂ€lp kan fĂ„s ifrĂ„n de traditionella rĂ€ddningssystemen (som till exempel polis eller rĂ€ddningstjĂ€nst), ett faktum som ocksĂ„ kan bekrĂ€ftas numerĂ€rt. Vissa indikatorer tyder dessutom pĂ„ att boende pĂ„ lands- och glesbygden Ă€r mer drabbade av olyckor Ă€n boende i tĂ€tort, vilket ger ett ökat behov av de aktuella resurserna. Detta har lett till att nya typer av lösningar har utvecklats, oftast av de boende, för att bistĂ„ vid olyckor, mĂ„nga baserade pĂ„ sjĂ€lvhjĂ€lp och frivillighet. Tydligt Ă€r ocksĂ„ att trygghet omfattar mer Ă€n bara blĂ„ljusverksamheter och stöd frĂ„n det allmĂ€nna. HĂ€r inkluderas ocksĂ„ behov som el, vatten och möjligheten att handla mat. En stor del av den upplevda tryggheten hos befolkningen kommer frĂ„n det sociala nĂ€tverk som finns i respektive by. Möjligheter till kommunikation Ă€r centralt och det Ă€r nĂ€r individen Ă€r ensam utan möjlighet till kontakt med omvĂ€rlden som den största otryggheten infinner sig. Det framkom under projektet flera exempel pĂ„ samverkan och de som medverkar framhĂ„ller vikten av att kĂ€nna varandra innan insatsen, för att bĂ€sta möjliga resultat ska uppnĂ„s. SĂ„vĂ€l de bĂ„da kvalitativa studierna som kunskapsöversikten pekar pĂ„ att en trolig vĂ€g till framgĂ„ng för en ökad sĂ€kerhet och trygghet pĂ„ landsbygden bygger pĂ„ att de lokala resurserna och strukturerna nyttjas i samverkan med de traditionella rĂ€ddningsresurserna. Detta innebĂ€r att det bör vara möjligt att stĂ€rka dels de boendes möjligheter att hjĂ€lpa sig sjĂ€lva och att hjĂ€lpa varandra, men ocksĂ„ att nyttja organisationer som idag inte tillhör blĂ„ljusmyndigheterna för att i samverkan med rĂ€ddningstjĂ€nsten, sjukvĂ„rden och polisen kunna bistĂ„ vid olyckor, akuta sjukdomsförlopp och andra relevanta hĂ€ndelser. Viktigt att beakta i detta sammanhang Ă€r dĂ„ att anvĂ€nda de befintliga strukturer som existerar bland sĂ„vĂ€l boende som olika organisationer, för att pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt kunna dra nytta av den lokala kunskap, de resurser och det engagemang som existerar

    Neuroimaging phenotypes of CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy: Systematic review, meta-analysis, and imaging recommendations

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    Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R)-related leukoencephalopathy is a rare but fatal microgliopathy. The diagnosis is often delayed due to multifaceted symptoms that can mimic several other neurological disorders. Imaging provides diagnostic clues that help identify cases. The objective of this study was to integrate the literature on neuroimaging phenotypes of CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed for neuroimaging findings of CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy via PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase on 25 August 2021. The search included cases with confirmed CSF1R mutations reported under the previous terms hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids, pigmentary orthochromatic leukodystrophy, and adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia. In 78 studies providing neuroimaging data, 195 cases were identified carrying CSF1R mutations in 14 exons and five introns. Women had a statistically significant earlier age of onset (p = 0.041, 40 vs 43 years). Mean delay between symptom onset and neuroimaging was 2.3 years. Main magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were frontoparietal white matter lesions, callosal thinning, and foci of restricted diffusion. The hallmark computed tomography (CT) finding was white matter calcifications. Widespread cerebral hypometabolism and hypoperfusion were reported using positron emission tomography and single-photon emission computed tomography. In conclusion, CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy is associated with progressive white matter lesions and brain atrophy that can resemble other neurodegenerative/-inflammatory disorders. However, long-lasting diffusion restriction and parenchymal calcifications are more specific findings that can aid the differential diagnosis. Native brain CT and brain MRI (with and without a contrast agent) are recommended with proposed protocols and pictorial examples are provided

    Air Traffic Flow Management Under Emission Policies: Analyzing the Impact of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and Different Carbon Prices

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    As part of the global efforts to make aviation activities more environmentally friendly, the worldwide goal is to achieve a 50% reduction in the 2005 emissions by 2050. In this context, aviation emissions represent a critical challenge to aviation activities, especially with the increasing travel demand up to the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, starting in 2020. One of the potential drivers that would help the aviation industry reduce its emissions is the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In this study, we analyzed the impact of SAF from an air traffic flow management (ATFM) perspective, considering delay and re-routing costs. We developed an optimization model that considers, in addition to the traditional ATFM costs, fuel costs and carbon dioxide emissions. We investigated the impact of accounting for these two new aspects, that is, fuel costs and emissions, on ATFM performance, and we compared SAF with conventional fuel. The analysis of a real case study revealed that, in addition to delay and re-routing costs, fuel cost should be included in the ATFM model so that the resulting solution becomes economically and environmentally realistic for airlines. The increase in the fuel cost and network delays when using SAF requires setting an appropriate carbon price under an emission policy, such as the carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international flights policy, to make SAF more attractive. Furthermore, flexible re-routing programs for flights operated using SAF make it advantageous from an ATFM perspective

    Structural magnetic resonance imaging findings and histopathological correlations in motor neuron diseases—A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES The lack of systematic evidence on neuroimaging findings in motor neuron diseases (MND) hampers the diagnostic utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thus, we aimed at performing a systematic review and meta-analysis of MRI features in MND including their histopathological correlation. METHODS In a comprehensive literature search, out of 5941 unique publications, 223 records assessing brain and spinal cord MRI findings in MND were eligible for a qualitative synthesis. 21 records were included in a random effect model meta-analysis. RESULTS Our meta-analysis shows that both T2-hyperintensities along the corticospinal tracts (CST) and motor cortex T2∗^{*}-hypointensitites, also called "motor band sign", are more prevalent in ALS patients compared to controls [OR 2.21 (95%-CI: 1.40-3.49) and 10.85 (95%-CI: 3.74-31.44), respectively]. These two imaging findings correlate to focal axonal degeneration/myelin pallor or glial iron deposition on histopathology, respectively. Additionally, certain clinical MND phenotypes such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) seem to present with distinct CNS atrophy patterns. CONCLUSIONS Although CST T2-hyperintensities and the "motor band sign" are non-specific imaging features, they can be leveraged for diagnostic workup of suspected MND cases, together with certain brain atrophy patterns. Collectively, this study provides high-grade evidence for the usefulness of MRI in the diagnostic workup of suspected MND cases. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/, identifier: CRD42020182682
